New CET Hub Area Up and Running!

I’m delighted to announce that the new Online CET Hub on the Optometry-Evolution Website is now up and running!

I have been involved in writing and delivering CET for about 10 years now, so this is something I was keen to add to the Optometry-Evolution website. My interest and background is largely in ocular conditions and the clinical techniques surrounding these so the CET that I produce will have a mainly clinical flavour.

Current CET articles on the Hub

The aim is to build up this resource with more articles and short courses each month. I am currently working on the next piece which will be a review of glaucoma medications and their adverse effects.

Most will be in the format of articles which have been segmented up into short lessons, which are followed up with MCQ’s in order to gain CET. Points will be added within a few days of successfully completing the MCQ’s.

Login and registration bar

In order to access these you need to register as a user, mainly with your name, email address and GOC number so you can gain the CET. To login or register, simply click on the orange bar below the CET activity gallery and this will bring you through to the two menus shown. Please note when you register for the first time you will receive a verification email – some users may have to reset their password before gaining access. Once you have an account, you can simply login to access the various CET activities.

Select which activity you want to carry out, and you can purchase the activity via paypal.

Any feedback is always welcome on any aspect of the CET HUB, and if there are any topics people would particularly like to see added in future please get in touch. Also if anyone has any issues getting registered, please just drop me an email at .

I hope this is a useful addition to the site, and please enjoy!



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