Free Webinar for Optometry Practice Staff on Ocular Allergy

Hopefully any day now Spring is going appear which can be one of the most fantastic times of the year as the weather starts to improve and nature puts on one of its most impressive displays. For a large number of people however it can be a difficult season to navigate due to hay fever and ocular allergy.

Optometry practice is often the first port of call for patients when they start to experience the signs and symptoms of ocular allergy. It is really helpful for practice staff to be able to recognise some of the key signs that the patient might report and to be aware of some of the ways on which we can try to alleviate these issues.

Join me for this free webinar for practice staff on Tuesday 30th April at 1.00pm, which I am delivering along with the team at The Optical Assistant website.

For more information and to register for a place, please follow the link below.

Thank you



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