Online Eye Emergency Awareness and Triage Tutorial for Practice Support Staff
Date(s) - 28/04/2020
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Optometry practice is increasingly becoming the first port of call for patients suffering from acute and often serious conditions to their eyes. Across the UK schemes such as MECS and PEARS have come into place and in Scotland the GOS contract has brought this aspect of optometry practice to the fore.
It is vital that the front of house staff team have a good level of awareness of the signs and symptoms patients can present with that could indicate a serious condition – the ‘red flags.’
It is also crucial if the front of practice team can gather concise triage information from the patient, so that the optometrist can make a really well informed decision about how urgently the patient needs to be seen.
This training will take the form of an online tutorial in a small group, to allow for plenty of discussion and interaction. A slideshow covering the main groups of emergency will be presented, along with tips on triaging.
Each delegate signing up to this tutorial will recieve an Eye Emergency Resource Pack, which will help in everyday practice, a certificate to confirm they have participated for their professional portfolio, and for any registered dispensing opticians or optometrists, 2 interactive CET points.
I have carried out this training live and it has gained really positive feedback. I thought at this time when we can’t deliver live training due to COVID-19, however when triaging patients who are contacting with concerns, it would be really worthwhile offering this as an online course.
The training will be delivered via Cisco Webex online meeting system. Once registered you will receive an email inviting you to this meeting a couple of days prior to the teaching. Simply follow the link 5 minutes before teaching starts to join.
Each course will be limited to 10 delegates so that those attending get the most out of it, however I will try to set up several dates.
Many thanks.
Bookings are closed for this event.