Eye Emergency Awareness and Triage Training for Optometry Support Staff
Date(s) - 04/03/2020
9:15 am - 12:30 pm
The Maldron Hotel
Welcome to this innovative event tailored to optometry practice support staff in the North East of England Region.
Whether you are a dispensing optician, optical assistant or receptionist, this course could be invaluable in supporting your role as the first point of contact for patients when they present with potentially urgent or emergency eye conditions. This is becoming more relevant all the time as MECS and other acute eye condition services evolve across the UK.
The morning course will help increase your awareness of the types of conditions which need to be acted on urgently, highlighting the ‘red-flag’ signs and symptoms patients may report. It will also explore how to gain accurate triage information from these patients which can be passed to the optometrist to help them decide on the urgency of getting the patient seen. The underlying goal here is to minimise any delays in getting patients seen when they suffer a serious, acute eye condition, and for you to be able to play your vital role in that.
The course will be very informal and interactive, with plenty of opportunity for discussion with colleagues. It takes the form of an initial lecture which covers the different types of eye conditions and your role in helping to get patients seen swiftly, followed by a discussion workshop where a range of patient scenarios can be explored in small groups.
Each delegate will receive one of the Eye Emergency Resource Packs as part of this training , and this will be referenced during the course so you get the best out of it. All delegates will receive a certificate of attendance for your professional portfolio.
Any dispensing opticians will get 4 CET points for this event. While the event is primarily for front of practice staff, optometrists are still very welcome, as this training may help them to review how their practice is geared up in terms of triaging urgent patients etc, and will also bring different perspectives to the discussion. Again 4 CET points will be gained.
I hope you can come along to this course and look forward to welcoming you there!
Stanley Keys
Bookings are closed for this event.