Acute Red Eye Online Tutorial Evening

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Date(s) - 19/04/2021
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm


Welcome to the interactive online Acute Red Eye Tutorial evening.

Monday 19th April 2021, from 7.15 pm to 9.30pm. 

4 Interactive CET points – IP/Optometry


*******Event now fully booked. Email me at if you would be interested in another date being set up for this tutorial*********

Acute red eye presentations vary enormously from the minor everyday conditions we see in optometry to more rare and serious conditions which can present a sight threatening problem for the patient.

This very informal small group tutorial evening will review the main causes of acute red eye, spending some time on the milder causes, before exploring the red-flag signs and symptoms of more serious conditions. The key clinical presentations of these more serious conditions will be reviewed, hopefully making the clinician more confident at diagnosis and planning the best management.

The evening will take the following format:

  • Review lecture of Acute red eye conditions – mild causes followed by red-flags and more serious causes.
  • Peer discussion session – 4 to 6 case scenarios will be presented for the delegates to discuss and learn from.

Each delegate will receive an Optometry-Evolution A4 Red Eye Card, and 4 CET points (optometry or IP.)

acute red eye card
Acute Red Eye Card

£20 per delegate, with maximum of 10 delegates on this session. This event will be hosted on Cisco Webex online meeting platform.


This event is fully booked.