Optometry Educational Material on World Council of Optometry Website
All content that I have authored is free of charge to any colleagues wishing to access this from developing countries however small charge applies to anyone accessing from elsewhere in the world. There will be more lectures and material coming to this page during the course of 2017. I hope you find it useful.
I am also in the process of trying to obtain CET and CPD accreditation for some of this content in various countries.
Content covers a range of topics from basic refraction to other core optometric skills such as Optic Disc Examination. It may be useful for students as well as qualified optometrists – with some of the refraction material hopefully having its main use for eye care workers in developing countries.
The current list of topics covered are:
- Hand neutralisation and focimetry
- Optic disc examination
- Core refraction techniques
- Cycloplegic refraction
- Visual field cases